Synthisophy 527 

Lesson 14: Chapter 29:
What Can We Do To Depolarize the Nation?


Watch the What Can We Do video:

Which areas do yoy think are most important? Ask students if there are other areas where they think we should Take Action?


Spend rest of Lesson thinking about what you would like to write  your Final Paper on, aka your Final Exam, which is due next week. You may work now in groups to brainstorm ideas, you may work by yourself if you’ve already chosen a topic of interest, you can speak with me for input, etc…  Start working on that Final Paper.


Here’s the directions for your Final Paper:



Provide a description of synthisophy, as in root meaning and it’s meaning in the context of science, history, politics and society as applied to modern society today.


Then choose an area you might pursue to address polarization in politics and society today and Take Action, as we covered in Chapter 29 and brainstormed today.  Describe what you could do, or what actions could be taken, to address that issue and try and solve that problem.


Your Final Paper is due by our next lesson.  There I’ll go over Chapter 30, and then you can share with the class what you wrote about in your Final Paper.