Synthisophy 527 

Lesson 4: Chapters 3, 4 and 5 - Cognitive Bias, Confirmation Bias, Argumentative Theory


Chapter 3: Cognitive Bias

Show the site:

Show the video – 6 minutes

Ask if any questions………restate concept of cognitive bias

Click on Cognitive Bias Chart, then zoom in on each quadrant, read the larger summary statements , ask for situations when these summary statements might be used.  Have students choose one topic in each Quadrant and look up on-line on their phones to find out what that topic is and means. Ask if there is anyone who would like to share.



Chapter 4: Confirmation Bias

Show the site:

Show the video – 6 minutes

Ask if any questions……..restate concept of confirmation bias


Confirmation bias – Wikipedia:

The homework was to review this information.  Ask students what areas they thought were significant or interesting, share, discuss, and provide input.



Do the 2-4-6 Task with the class

Do the THOG Problem with the class

Do the Four Card Task with the class


Confirmation Bias: A Ubiquitous Phenomenon in Many Guises

Read a few pertinent passages


Why People Ignore Facts

Read a few pertinent passages


Have you ever talked politics with friends and family. Talk can get pretty intense, and have you ever noticed, when people are arguing, neither is listening.  They’re not processing the other sides information.  I have a friend, and we get into political arguments, and he goes on a tear, and doesn’t listen to a word I say, he’s too busy thinking what he’s going to say next.  So then I might say something like, ya but the sky will be green tomorrow and cows will jump over the moon.  And then he yells his political statement, and then stops, and asks, what did you just say?  And I ask, were you listening? 


The war of 1812 was a political blunder by the President of the United States

World War I was started by the assassination of the political leader of a country

The Vietnam War was primarily political: Communism vs Capitalism

Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld pitched the invasion of Iraq to President Bush under false pre-text


Chapter 5 – Argumentative theory

Show the site:

Show the video – 7 minutes
Charles Lord: Biased Assimilation and Attitude Polarization
Irving Janis: Group Confirmation Bias

Ask if any questions………restate concept of argumentative theory. It’s an extension of confirmation bias. Ask students to share examples of when they may have encountered or themselves used argumentative theory. Share yours about the first article you wrote and published, the USA, A Social Diagnosis, where you hand picked studies that promoted your view of violence in TV, movies and video games had a negative impact on child development.


Break into groups for political discussion

Talk about what we covered here today, then talk about any political issues you think are important.  Use those listening skills we discussed, and the Socratic Method.

Have someone in each group provide a summary of what you discussed and views expressed.

Full class discussion if students so desire

Homework: Look at Chapter 8, Bloom’s Taxonomy, think of examples of different levels of the pyramid