Synthisophy 527 

Lesson 6: Chapters 9, 10 and Side Light 1 - Science, Side Light 1,
Science and Realigion

Watch Chapter 9 video:

Mention the 2 other natural experiments, Hispaniola and North Korea

Summarize and restate, and draw those conclusions


Now take a walk through the history of science:

Students choose a scientist listed or one of their own, research such and share information about that scientists with the class

Start with Ancient Greece and Rome, then how Islam and Muslims kept this scientific information alive during the Medieval Period and Dark Ages of Europe from 500 to 1500 as it was re-introduced to the West in the 1500s, the Renaissance Period, the Age of Enlightenment, and the Scientific Revolution. Today we use Arabic numerals in math, algebra is rooted in the Arabic word al-jabr. Mention how they development the hour, minutes and second.Then walk through age of enlightenment and science in Europe and beyond.


Watch Side Light 1 Video, Question Your Perception:

Relate it to Science, Science is based on fact and truth. Nature knows only Truth.

Emphasize question your perception, and how your neurons interpret reality.


Watch Chapter 10 video:

Take a survey via hands of students religions…..?

Summarize, restate and emphasize ”Perhaps God is Truth”


What do you think about the idea of Realigion?


Break into groups for political discussion

Break into groups of 4 for political discussion. Talk about what we covered here today, then talk about any political issues you think are important. Use the listening skills we discussed.

Have someone in each group provide a summary of what you discussed and views expressed.

Full class discussion if students so desire.