Synthisophy 527 

Lesson 8: Chapters 15, 16, 17 and Side Light 2: Theses 1, 2 and 3, Skinwalkers, Modern Skinwalkers, Side Light 2

Watch Theses 1, 2 and 3 video:

Then ask class what students think of each thesis….….keeping in mind the idea is to question the hypothesis, consider all angles, run each thesis through the mill, and see what comes out the other end.

Watch Side Light 2 video:

Question your perception, and be aware of the manner of discussion.

Watch the Skinwalkers video:

What do you think of this skinwalker hypothesis?  Are we far from our genetic roots?

Watch Modern Skinwalkers video:

What do you think of these skinwalkers?

1.     Defense Industry

2.     Unemployment, Welfare, Medicare, Medicaid

3.     Insurance Industry

4.     Pharmaceutical Industry

5.     Tobacco Industry


Break into groups of 4 for political discussion. Talk about what we covered here today, then talk about any political issues you think are important.  Use the listening skills we discussed.


Have someone in each group provide a summary of what you discussed and views expressed.

Full class discussion if students so desire.


Paper #4: What do you think of Theses 1, 2 and 3?  What do you think of the modern skinwalker analogies? Due next week.