Synthisophy 527 

Lesson 9: Chapters 18 + 19: Climate Change, Smoke and Hot Air

Watch Climate Change video

·       Any questions or comments on informaqtion presented in this video and global warming? 

·       What are your views on climate change?

·       How will it affect the world?

·       How will it affect the USA?

·       Have we already passed the tipping point?

·       What can be done to address climate change?

·       What about those in political office that deny climate change?

·       Has COVID-19 affected climate change?

Watch Smoke, Mirrors and Hot Air video

·       Any questions or comments on information presented in this video and the fossil fuel industry?

·       What do you think of the fossil fuel industry?

·       What can be done to address our dependence on fossil fuel?

·       Has our dependence on fossil fuel already pushed us past the tipping in global warming and climate change?

Break into groups of 4 for political discussion. Talk about what we covered here today, then talk about any political issues you think are important.  Use the listening skills we discussed.


Have someone in each group provide a summary of what you discussed and views expressed.

Full class discussion if students so desire.


Paper #5:

What do you think of the oil industry and climate change What can we do about climate change? Due next week.