President Donald Trump

Summary of Chapters 1-15, published in RAIS, August 2020; and ResearchLEAP, February 2021.

Summary of Chapters 16 - 30, published in RAIS, October, 2020, and ResearchLEAP, April 2021.


Synthisophy - Integrating the wisdoms of history into present culture

Roots – Synthesis/History/Sophy

Synthesis - the integration of separate material or abstract entities into a single  
or unified whole

History - what has happened in the past; a detailed description of past events as
relating to a particular people, country, period, etc…

Sophy - Greek root: wisdom, knowledge; an intellectual system embracing
knowledge and truth; study of the real world based on fact and truth, science

As you know, the USA today is a very polarized society. Technology in the Digital Age can be an avenue for us to interact despite our differences. The role of Synthisophy is integrating the wisdoms of history, based on fact and truth, into present culture. To have that happen, we need to process points of view that may not match our own. Then, using history as a guide, we can draw factual conclusions and express our views in public forums such as the Discussion Group shown above. This may decrease the level of polarization in the USA.

Citizens are the crux of democracy, an educated and well informed citizenry is vital for the survival of a democratic republic. As Benjamin Franklin said after exiting the Constitutional Convention and was asked what sort of government the delegates had created, his answer was, “We’ve given you a Republic, can you keep it?” With synthisophy in mind the answer to his question is “Yes, we can.”


"We've given you a Republic, can
you keep it?" Ben Franklin after
Constitutional Convention

"If we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed
ourselves." Abraham Linclon

"United we stand, divided
we fall." John F. Kennedy
Inaugural speech

"I believe, as I always have, 
that America's strength is in
'We the People.'" Ronald Reagan

Here are the latest discussions:

As some contributors have already commented, what did you think of the CNN interview with Harris and Walz?

Share your views at facebook/synthisophy!

What do you think?

On 8.6.24, the Armed Forces of Ukraine invaded the Kursk area of Russia. By the end of the first week, the Ukrainian military said it had captured 390 sq mi of Russian territory, while Russian authorities acknowledged that Ukraine had captured 28 settlements.

On Tuesday 8.3.24, two Russian ballistic missiles blasted a military academy and nearby hospital Tuesday, 9.3.24, in Poltava Ukraine, killing more than 50 people and wounding more than 200 others, Ukrainian officials said, in one of the deadliest Russian strikes since the war began.

Later on 9.3.24, Zelenskyy repeated his appeal for Ukraine’s Western partners to ensure swift delivery of military aid: “Ukraine needs air defense systems and missiles now, not sitting in storage,” Zelenskyy wrote in English on Telegram. “Long-range strikes that can protect us from Russian terror are needed now, not later. Every day of delay, unfortunately, means more lost lives,” he said.

Share your views at facebook/synthisophy!

Sources: Wikipedia, NYT, AP, PBS

What do you think will happen in the first Presidential debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris on Tuesday, September 10th at 9:00 PM on ABC?

Here’s some detail and rules of the debate:

The presidential debate will take place at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia. There will be no audience, and no opening statements. Closing statements will be two minutes per candidate. A coin flip was held virtually on Tuesday to determine the podium placement and the order of closing statements; former President Trump won the coin toss and chose to present the last closing statement, and Vice President Harris selected the right podium position on screen, i.e., stage left.

It will be moderated by ABC’s David Muir and Linsey Davis and will be 90 minutes of long with two commercial breaks. Microphones will be live only for the candidate whose turn it is to speak and muted when the time belongs to another candidate. Each candidate will be allotted two minutes to answer each question with a two-minute rebuttal, and an additional minute for a follow-up, clarification, or response. Only the moderators will be permitted to ask questions.

Candidates will stand behind podiums for the duration of the debate and no props or pre-written notes will be allowed on stage. Each candidate will be given a pen, a pad of paper, and a bottle of water. Campaign staff may not interact with candidates during commercial breaks.

Share your views at facebook/synthisophy!

Source: ABC

As earlier commented upon by other contributors, what did you think of the debate between Trump and Harris last night?

Share your views at facebook/synthisophy!

Pic source: ABC News