Religious faith and belief in God have equally adaptive evolutionary explanations. Religion is a social institution that evolved to reinforce group cohesion and moral behavior. It is an integral mechanism of human behavior to encourage altruism, reciprocal altruism, and indirect altruism, and to reveal the level of commitment to cooperate and reciprocate among members of a social community.  Believing in God provides and explanation of our universe, our world and ourselves; it explains where we came from, why we are here, and where we are going.  God is also the ultimate enforcer of the rules, the final arbiter of moral dilemmas, and the pinnacle object of commitment.

It is time to step out of our evolutionary heritage and our historical traditions and embrace science as the best tool ever devised for explaining how the world works. It is time to work together to create a social and political world that embraces moral principles and yet allows for natural human diversity to flourish. Religion cannot get us there because it has no systematic methods of explanation of the natural world, and no means of conflict resolution when members of competing religions hold absolute beliefs that are mutually exclusive. Flawed as they may be, science and the secular enlightenment values expressed in western democracies are our best hope for survival.


To mention again as stated above, Science is the study and understanding of the real world based on fact and truth. But there are many questions that science cannot answer, and that is a place for religion to answer with faith.  Perhaps for those questions that science can answer, science and scientific fact and truth could be incorporated into a religion, keeping intact those critical aspects of Religion as a social institution that provides group cohesion, moral behavior and raison d’etre. To go one step further, perhaps science and the understanding of the world based on fact and truth could be part of your beliefs, with those questions that cannot be fully answered by science answered within a particular faith or your own faith - your Realigion.

Realigion - an understanding of the real world based on scientific fact and truth, but believing in the existence of God to explain the unknowable with aspects of existing religion, or faith of one's own choice, or accepting the unknowable as God.

Perhaps God is Truth, and for questions that science can’t answer, only God knows the Truth. 

Now let’s consider the religion of the native American Indian. The religion of the native American Indian isn’t a single entity, rather its a diverse mix of spiritual practices and beliefs across various Indian tribes and Nations. One aspect in common however with all these variations is a deep respect for the land and a reverence for the natural world.

And there’s the saying, Mother Nature always wins. It’s a saying that highlights the immense power and resilience of nature, suggesting that ultimately, nature will prevail over human attempts to control or dominate it. This implies that no matter how much we try to manipulate or engineer our environment, nature will always find a way to assert itself. Eventually the truth comes out, nature knows only truth.

Nature knows only Truth. Only God knows the Truth. Perhaps Nature is God. Ask any Native American Indian.



The Believing Brain: Michael Shermer, 2011, St. Martin’s Press
Sapiens – A Brief History of Humankind: Yuval Noah Harari, 2015, HarperCollins Publishers



Science is the study of the real world based on fact and truth. Religion is a particular system of faith and worship. Perhaps we could live our lives based on fact and truth. Religions provide a powerful structure by which we can live our lives, whether it be Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and many others.

Note there are many questions that science can’t answer, such as when did time start? Fourteen billon years ago when our universe was born in the big bang? But what was there before that? When and how did time start, or is there a start? Will time end, or is there an end? What created all the matter in the universe? Matter is made of molecules, molecules of are made atoms, atoms are made of protons, neutrons and electrons, what are protons, neutrons and electron made of? What about energy in the universe, how did that happen, when did energy start? What will happen when all available energy is spent? What created space as in the space taken up by matter and all the vacuous space of the universe? These are questions that science cannot answer, and perhaps a place for a religion to answer with faith. What is good? What is evil? What is right? What is wrong? What are morals? What makes a good society? These are questions that science may provide direction but may not be able to fully answer. Recall science is the study of the REAL world based on fact and truth. To go one step further, for those questions that science can answer, perhaps science could be part of a religion. And for those questions that science can’t fully answer, faith and morality could be part of that religion. Let's call that Realigion.

Michael Shermer suggests the role of science in present
times rather well in one of his books, The Believing Brain:

Chapter 10

Science and Religion - Realigion

Video Summary

5 minute video

5 minute read